Durante todo este tiempo, y hasta el día de hoy, Edward Clark sigue siendo nuestra fuente incesante de inspiración, y continúa asesorando y apoyando nuestro trabajo, y Dan Barrows Sound es el encargado de expresar en melodía nuestras narrativas danzadas.
Nuestras coreografías, frutos de creación colectiva, son la expresión de quiénes somos como compañía, quiénes somos como individuos y de la diferencia que nos gustaría marcar en el mundo.
is a Free Spirited YOGA THEATRE COMPANY.
Forever On the Quest for
Truth ● Beauty ● Freedom ● Love ● & ● The Expansion of Consciousness
Tripsy Khings was formed in December 2017.
This was the highest point in a nine-year period of committed and enthusiastic work along the lines of Tripsichore Yoga, hand in hand with Anna Pairaló and with Tripsichore’s master creator Edward Clark.
Based at Go Yoga! Zaragoza, Tripsy Khings are still graced with Edward Clark as incessant source of inspiration, consultant direction and indispensable support, and count with Anna Pairaló for technical direction, Paco Sampériz for artistic direction and Dan Barrows Sound for music composition.
Our narratives and choreographies are the fruit of our collective creation and are the expression of who we are as a company, who we are as individuals and of the difference we would like to make in the world.
The life force of Tripsy Khings are:
Alicia Ramos
Anna Pairaló
Arantxa Alcubierre
David Ortiz
David Pérez Arellano
Elena Mallén
Eva Herrero
Isabel Guedea
Mari Lys Fernández
Paco Latorre
Paco Sampériz
Rubén Bellido
Sonia Salvador Luna
Drop us an email and say hello!